best way to learn piano

Best way to learn the piano – for you

So, you want to start learning how to play the piano. A good decision.

But what is the best way to learn the piano? Which type of teaching, which approach will be best for you.

In this article you can find help and good advice on how to get started with the piano – in a way that suits your taste in music – and the things you dream of achieving on the piano.

There are many offers – and many ways to start

If you have already searched a bit on the web, you know that the offers are many and versatile. You can find piano lessons all over your country – probably also in your local area.

You can also find offers where the teaching takes place online – and therefore is not limited by geography.

In terms of price, the offers vary a lot. A piano teacher with extensive experience can reasonably demand a relatively high price. A well-crafted and pre-packaged online piano course can be a cheaper alternative to start with.

You want to learn to play the piano. But why?

To come up with the best way to learn the piano for you, you need to consider a few things. Before choosing a teacher and a form of teaching, it may be a good idea to just ask yourself – why you want to learn piano. If you know why – it can be much easier to choose the right approach and method:

  • Are you looking for lessons for yourself – or your child?
  • Are you a teenager, young adult, adult or older?
  • Is it completely new for you to want to play the piano – or is it a lifelong dream?
  • Do you want to learn piano for your own entertainment and pleasure – or do you want to be a professional musician?
  • What type of music do you listen to – what styles do you like – what music inspires you and gives you energy?

If you’re looking for piano lessons for your child – then you MUST find a teacher you can meet physically. The whole Corona situation has taught us music teachers that children have a hard time receiving piano lessons online. At least over an extended period of time. If it is a child who has to learn – then learning must be done by meeting with a teacher.

If you are a teenager, young adult or adult – you can easily start with online piano lessons. Either as “live” teaching online – or with an online piano course.

This form can, as I said, be a slightly cheaper alternative to the traditional face-to-face piano teaching. It can also be a great way to find out if learning piano is actually for you.

In my opinion there is no doubt that the best way to learn the piano – is by meeting regularly with a good piano teacher. Learning to play the piano is very much “a craft” – and learning from an accomplished piano teacher has demonstrably many benefits.

Whether there are actually benefits to learning from a piano teacher can however depend on several things:

  • That the piano teacher is a good teacher (Some may be very good musicians – but terrible teachers)
  • That there is good chemistry – and that the teacher teaches a style that interests you
  • That you are taught according to a method and pedagogical principles that keep you “on fire” and inspired
  • Types of piano lessons

Let’s take a quick look at the types of piano lessons you can choose from.

Traditional piano lessons

You meet with the piano teacher about once a week. The teacher shows you new material and gives you constructive criticism of what you have prepared. You go home and practice for the next lesson. The teaching can be adapted to your personal level and needs.

Piano lessons online (live)

You will meet with the piano teacher online at an agreed time. The teaching is very similar to the traditional one – but it takes place “live” over the internet.

Piano lessons as an online course

You have online access to a pre-arranged piano course. In the course you learn some specific things that take your piano playing from A to B. The course is aimed at a wide audience – and is naturally not tailored specifically for you. In this category, of course, I recommend my own online course “Piano in 3 Weeks”. This course has a clear pedagogical strategy – and takes your piano playing from A to B in a fast and inspiring way. Hear more about the course “Piano in 3 Weeks” by signing up for the free online webinar. CLICK HERE – Register for Webinar

Piano lessons with App

There are various piano apps available. In general these apps will teach you bits and pieces that you have to put together yourself. They tend to lack in structure. They are often divided into both small short courses where you e.g. learn about chords – and in lessons where you learn specific songs. These songs come from both the rhythmic and classical part of the repertoire. You can easily learn something from a piano app. But they all miss a well-thought-out progression. If you are interested in trying out a piano app you can try one of the better ones – namely Flowkey. CLICK HERE to try flowkey.

Why choose the piano as an instrument?

There are many good reasons to choose the piano as your instrument. The piano has its place in both rhythmic and classical music. There are a myriad of both classic “evergreens” and immortal pop and rock songs where the piano has a central role.

Here are some of the great benefits of choosing the piano as your instrument:

  • With its 88 keys, you can play both the deep bass tones and the high treble tones.
  • On the piano you can play many notes at a time – as opposed to e.g. a saxophone. You can play bass figures, large chords and melody line. All at the same time – depending on your level.
  • You learn to play with both hands – and all 10 fingers. In principle, you can play 10 notes at a time. More if you also use the sustain pedal.
  • Because you can play many notes – across the register – the piano itself can sound like an entire orchestra.
  • The piano gives you a visual overview of all notes. If you can play the piano – then you have a natural approach to understanding a lot of music theory – because you understand how the keys (notes) are placed in relation to each other.
  • The piano works both as a solo instrument – and as part of a musical group. Both rhythmic and classical.
  • The piano is the perfect choice to accompany other instruments – and singers. You can play with others in a band – or you can sing your favorite songs and accompany yourself on the piano.

Do you want to play rhythmic or classical piano – or both?

It is a good idea to be clear on which overall musical style (rhythmic or classical) you are most interested in learning.

Many piano teachers specialize in one of these two main genres. But there are also plenty of teachers who can teach both.

That brings us back to why you want to learn piano – and what level you aim to achieve. If you want to reach a professional level with your playing – then you should definitely choose either a specialized rhythmic or classical teacher. Because the instructor is specialized, you get the right entrance to your chosen main genre from the start.

If you are more interested in becoming a skilled amateur and playing for your own pleasure – you can easily choose a teacher who masters both rhythmic and classical piano.

You should therefore contact the teacher and find out if he or she can offer lessons that suits you and your wishes.

In relation to a piano course, you should read the description carefully – and find out if the content is of interest to you and can help you move forward with your piano playing.

A clear method – and a pedagogical conviction

Both with the “physical” teacher and with a finished course, it should preferably be reasonably clear how, and by what means, the teacher or course intends to help you move forward. Here I am thinking of things like method and pedagogical belief.

I would like to briefly mention that my course “Piano in 3 Weeks” is based on my belief that learning music, and piano, is about getting to play some songs quickly. Getting to play some music that means something to you. You quickly reach a level where you can actually play music you like – and this means that you will naturally be inspired to learn more.

Your’s and the teacher’s joint responsibility

Once you have found the right form of teaching and start learning the piano – then you must remember that it is both the teacher’s responsibility – BUT also your responsibility that you actually learn something. That you get better at playing the piano week by week.

This means – you have to PRACTICE. And there is no way around it. Not all piano students have been given the same amount of talent – but it is quite certain: If you do not practice regularly – preferably daily – then you will get nowhere – regardless of talent.

Therefore, you should consider – how much time you can set aside to practice daily and weekly. If you have difficulty finding time it may be a good idea to make your teacher aware of this. It can help the teacher to organize the teaching so that it best suits your practice capacity.

How to practice the piano

Although I do not know what kind if homework your teacher gives you – we can talk briefly about how to practice the piano – if you want to get ahead in the best and most effective way.

From the start, you should try to acquire some good practice habits. These habits should include things like:

You need to practice regularly. Preferably daily.

It is better to practice just 10 minutes a day – than to practice 3 hours once a week. It is really good for the brain to be allowed to sleep in between all your exercises. In this way, the new information settles better and faster.

Spend as much time as you possibly can on practicing. The more you practice – the faster you become proficient.

You need to organize your rehearsal time. Start e.g. with repeating the things you practiced yesterday. Then move on with the new things. Finish practicing more “automatic” things like scales, chords, and finger technique. Always start with what requires the most concentration. Finish with something you can relax with – and not have to spend so much brain capacity on.

If you are new to the piano, be careful not to overwork your hands and arms. When you learn new things, and use the muscles in a new way, you tend to tense the muscles. You need to, especially in the beginning, use energy and attention to relax while exercising. It may seem difficult at first – later it becomes a natural thing.

It’s time to find a teacher

I hope you have become just a little wiser on what to be aware of when you have to choose piano teacher, a course, an app – and form of teaching.

There is nothing wrong with contacting several different teachers – and have a chat with them. This can be a great way to find out if you are “clicking”.

Maybe you will also be offered a free trial lesson from several of the teachers you approach. This way you get some insight on different teachers and teaching methods.

And – I must of course mention – that if you are interested in my online course “Piano in 3 weeks” – then there is a “free trial lesson in the sense that you have a 14-day money-back guarantee. This means that you can try out the course – and if it does not live up to your expectations – then you simply get your money back.

Thank you for your time – and thank you for visiting

Have a nice day,

Niels Andersen