
How to play the Eb (E flat) Major Chord on your piano or keyboard

A guide on how to play Eb on piano – and understanding more about the chord.

From the chord symbol Eb we get the following information:

  • The Eb chord has the note Eb as root note
  • The Eb chord is a 3-note chord (a triad)
  • The Eb chord is a major chord

Because Eb is a 3-note chord it also has 3 inversions:

  • Root inversion
  • 1st. inversion
  • 2nd. inversion

Eb chord – Root inversion (basic inversion) looks like this: Eb – G – Bb

Eb chord – 1st. inversion (root note at the top of the chord): G – Bb – Eb

Eb chord – 2nd. inversion (root note in the middle of the chord): Bb – Eb – G

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Eb chord – fingering:

Root inversion:

Finger 1 3 5
Note Eb G Bb

1st. inversion:

Finger 1 2 5
Note G Bb Eb

2nd. inversion:

Finger 1 3 5
Note Bb Eb G

Eb chord – Closely related scales and harmonic functions:

The Eb chord is the 1st. step in the Eb major scale

Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chord Eb Fm Gm Ab Bb Cm Dm(b5)

The Eb chord is the 4th. step in the Bb major scale

Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chord Bb Cm Dm Eb F Gm Am(b5)

The Eb chord is the 5th. step in the Ab major scale

Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chord Ab Bbm Cm Db Eb Fm Gm(b5)

The Eb chord is the 3rd. step in the C minor scale

Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chord Cm Dm(b5) Eb Fm Gm Ab Bb

More on how to play e flat on piano

As we have already looked at, to play an E flat (Eb) chord on the piano, you will need to use three notes: Eb, G, and Bb. E flat is the root note, G is the major third, and Bb is the perfect fifth. These three notes played together create the E flat major chord.

Here’s how to play the E flat chord on piano using your right hand:

  • Place your thumb on the Eb note, which is the first black key to the left of the group of two black keys in the middle of the keyboard.
  • Place your middle finger on the G note, which is the white key to the right of the second black key.
  • Place your pinky finger on the Bb note, which is the first black key to the right of the group of two black keys.

To add an extra root note in the left hand, you can play the Eb note an octave lower than the Eb played by your right hand thumb. This will create a fuller sound and add more depth to the chord.

How to play e flat on piano – fingering on inversions 1 and 2

The first inversion of the chord Eb:
  • 1st. finger plays the note G
  • 2nd. finger plays the note Bb above the G
  • 5th.. finger plays the note Eb above the Bb
The second inversion of the chord Eb:
  • 1st. finger plays the note Bb
  • 3rd.. finger plays the note Eb above the Bb
  • 5th.. finger plays the note G above the Eb

Remember, the relative minor chord for Eb major is C minor. To play the C minor chord, you would play C, Eb, and G together.


More on becoming a piano playing pro

Are you a music enthusiast who’s always been fascinated by the beauty of piano music? Do you have an ongoing dream of playing your own melodies on the piano but didn’t know where to start? Well, you’re in the right place. Playing the piano is a skill that requires patience, practice, and dedication. But with the right guidance, anyone can learn to play and master the keys.

Here at PianoChordCharts you will find all the basic information you need to get started with playing chords on your piano. From understanding the piano keys and notes to playing the correct fingers for the chords.

On this page we had a closer look at how to play Eb on piano.

Whether you’re a complete novice or have some experience playing the piano, the guides here at PianoChordCharts will help you develop the skills you need to become a proficient piano player.

Basic Finger Positioning and Hand Placement

Before you can start playing the piano, you need to know how to position your fingers and hands on the keys. Correct finger positioning and hand placement are essential to playing with ease and fluidity.

Start by resting your fingers on the keys, with your wrists slightly raised and your elbows at your sides. Your fingers should be curved, with your fingertips resting gently on the keys. Keep your fingers relaxed and avoid tensing up.

When playing a note, use the tip of your finger to press down on the key. Avoid using the flat part of your finger, as this can cause the note to sound muffled or unclear.

Hand placement is also important for playing the piano. Your hands should be level with the keyboard, with your palms facing down.

When you play chords on the piano, you should play the chords with you right hand, around middle C on the piano. This gives a nice rich and fat sound to your chords.

To make your chord progression stay around middle C use chord inversions.

In your left hand you can play the root note of the chord – either as a single note – or as an octave, doubling your root note in the bass area.

Tips for Practicing Effectively

Practicing regularly is essential to becoming a proficient piano player. Here are some tips for practicing effectively:

– Set aside a specific time each day for practice

– Break up your practice sessions into smaller increments, such as 15-20 minutes at a time

– Focus on one aspect of playing at a time, such as finger positioning or reading sheet music

– Practice slowly and gradually increase the tempo as you become more comfortable

– Take breaks as needed and don’t push yourself too hard

Remember to be patient with yourself and enjoy the process of learning to play the piano.

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