How to play the Gm7b5 piano chord
(Basic Gm7b5 piano chord and Inversions of the Gm7b5 piano chord)
- Chord symbol: Gm7b5, Gm7(b5), Gø7
- The Gm7b5 chord is a 4-note-chord (a tetrad)
- A minor-seventh-flat-five chord consists of 4 notes: Root note, Minor third, Lowered (flat) fifth, Minor seventh
- The 4 notes in the Gm7b5 chord are: G – Bb – Db – F
- A minor-seventh-flat-five chord can basically be played in root position and 3 inversions (Total of 4 positions): Root note at the bottom, Minor third at the bottom, The fifth at the bottom, Minor 7th. at the bottom.
In these piano chord charts you can see how to play the Gm7b5 piano chord in the 4 positions.

More on the Gm7b5 chord
- The Gm7b5 chord is step 1 in the G locrian scale.
- The Gm7b5 chord is step 7 in the Ab major (ionian) scale
The G locrian scale consists of the notes: G – Ab – Bb – C – Db – Eb – F – (G)
The Ab major (ionian) scale consists of the notes: Ab – Bb – C – Db – Eb – F – G – (Ab)