How long does it take to learn piano

how long does it take to learn piano

As you may already suspect, there are many types of answers to this question. There are many answers because it’s quite impossible to define when a person can play the piano – and when a person cannot play the piano – right?

But I presume, that when people ask the exact question “How long does it take to learn to play the piano” – well – they mean – how long does it take to reach a level where I can actually play a few songs – without playing too many wrong notes – in such a way that you can actually recognize and enjoy what’s being played.

As you have probably discovered, I offer a piano course on this page – with the somewhat ambitious title “Piano in 3 weeks”. I claim I can teach you to play piano in just 3 weeks.

Most visitors to this page find this statement way too good to be true.

They think it’s a pretty exaggerated claim. How can anyone learn piano in such a short time – when everyone knows that at best it takes somewhere between months and years.

It’s not as far fetched as it sounds!

Allow me to explain.

I’m not claiming that you’ll become a concert pianist in 3 weeks – BUT – you’ll be amazed at how much you can learn in such a short time.

The reason it can be done is because I teach you some simple and very easy-to-use tools and skills – which can be used again and again – and can be applied to almost any pop- or rock-song of your choice.

AND – because you get to work with songs that mean something to you – then you get super inspired and motivated to keep learning – beyond the 3 weeks.

That is the simple secret behind my course “Piano in 3 weeks”.

This is what you’ll learn in just 3 weeks

Spend 2 minutes reading this list – and understand how much you can learn in just 3 weeks – if you follow my instructions in the course:

  1. We make sure you know the names of all white and black keys.
  2. You learn the formulas for ALL major and minor 3-note-chords – and the most commonly used 4-note-chords.
  3. How to play chords inversions – for more “smooth” piano playing.
  4. Left hand action. Your basis for grooving the cool way.
  5. The right hand learns tools such as arpeggios and broken chords – and your hands learn to collaborate on playing chords in a rhythm that mimics your chosen song.
  6. We review a number of sample songs – and examine which grooves fit which styles.
  7. We review the Learn-A-New-Song formula. The exact steps you need each time you want to learn a new song of your choice.
  8. You will learn how to find the best chord charts online – and how to read them.
  9. We practice playing along with the original soundtrack to the song – and learn how to best imitate the song’s rhythm, feeling and groove.
  10. At the end of the course, you will be able to create your own personal, beautiful and groovy version of any chord-based rhythmic song.

If you follow the course – then you will be able to cross off this entire list. And then I would actually claim that you can play the piano – at a usable level.

How long does it take to learn to play the piano? It takes 3 weeks.

The 3 weeks of learning = Basic knowledge

You should look upon what you learn over the course of 3 weeks as basic knowledge. A steeping stone to further develop your piano playing. The method you learn in the course gives you the tools to learn the songs that you like.

And because you play music that means something to you – you will be inspired to seek new knowledge – to improve your skills.

If all of this sounds like a good fit for you – then don’t hesitate to sign up for my free webinar. In this free webinar I’ll show you what my course is all about.

Wouldn’t it be great to never again have to read through a difficult piece of sheet music – or search for a particular chord online – because you already know how to build chords – and how to put chords to use in a groovy way – using both hands??

If you think this could be something for you – then hop on over to the webinar page and sign up for free.

Sign up for the webinar “Piano in 3 weeks” – CLICK HERE!

Thank you for your time.

Niels Andersen