Popular Songs, Piano, Easy

Use the sub-menu in the top-menu to select your favourite popular song.

Here at PianoChordCharts you can find a small selection of popular songs that’s easy to play on the piano.

For every song you will find a description of the song, a video where you can listen to the song. You will also find the lyrics for the popular song with the chords written above.

This means that you can copy the lyrics with chords and make your own pdf of the song. Print the PDF, place it on your piano – and you are ready to go.

Remember – here at PianoChordCharts I’ve made it my mission to teach as many people as possible to play pop and rock songs on the piano – the easy way.

So – if you want to get real good at playing pop and rock piano – the fun and groovy way – using chords – THEN please sign up for my free webinar. Here you will learn more about how you can acquire these skills and tools in just 3 weeks.

In the webinar I’ll disclose how it is possible to make just about any pop and rock song sound beautiful and groovy – just by knowing the chords.

I’ll also teach you how to search online for the best version of your favourite pop or rock song – making it your choice what songs to learn.

One of my most important approaches to teaching piano is – that the student needs to love what he or she is playing. This is the best way to ensure ongoing commitment and inspiration.

But for now – start by digging into one of the free popular songs for piano her on this page. Simply click on the top menu and choose your song.

