What is the fastest way to learn piano

What is the fastest way to learn piano
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Through my more than 35 years of teaching piano I regularly meet people who want to know what is the fastest way to learn piano.

Well, if I’m in a hurry I give them the short answer: Find a good teacher, set time aside and then practise like crazy every day – that’s the fastest way.

If I have a little more time – like now – I inquire a bit into what you mean by the phrase “learn piano”.

Do you mean “What is the fastest way to become a world renowned jazz pianist”? Or are you looking for the shortest path to play and enjoy your favourite pop hits at home?

Are you interested in classical music or rhythmical music?

You see – good people like you who are trying to find the fastest way to learn piano are all asking the same question – but might be looking for totally different answers.

But anyhow – let me answer your question the best way I know.

It’s my experience with the thousands of students I’ve taught over the years that most of them do not want to become famous concert pianists.

They simply want to enjoy playing their favourite songs – at the comfort of their home – or maybe do a bit of show-off at private parties.

To be perfectly frank – very few have the talent to ever make it as a concert pianist. Including yours truly 😉

BUT just about anyone can learn to play the piano at a usable level for themselves, friends and family to enjoy!

So – back to the question at hand – the easiest and fastest way to learn to play the piano.

In my experience the fastest way to learn piano is to learn how to read, construct and use chords. As opposed to learning to read sheet music at a practical level – the skill of playing chord based piano can be learned in a matter of weeks.

Once you master the skill of playing chord based piano a whole world of music opens up. You see – just about any song in genres like pop, rock, bossa, country, soul and more are built on – chords.

This means that once you know how to play chords you simply have to search the internet for the chord chart (a series of chords) for your favourite song. Knowing how to construct and use chords you will be able to make your own groovy version of just about any pop and rock song – of your choice.

If you are interested in rhythmical music this is in my option the absolute best and fastest way to play actual music on the piano – and not just something that sounds like exercises.

If you on the other hand are more interested in playing classical piano – well – there is no way around it – you have to learn to read sheet music.

You see – now with the risk of offending someone – classical music is more like an “exact science”. You have to play every note precisely as written in the sheet music. A wrong note is a wrong note. A wrong rhythm is a wrong rhythm.

With rhythmic music – chord and groove based music – it’s a different story. In this style of music you are given more of a framework on which to interpret the given song.

You don’t have to sing the melody line exactly like the original artist. You don’t have to play the piano exactly like the original artist.

Your job is to learn from the artist. Listen to how they play. Feel the groove – the rhythm they play – and then create your own version of the song.

I will go as far as to say – if you try to make a perfect copy of a song – you have failed your mission. You should always play a version of the song that fits your level and style of playing.

With chord piano you, as a beginner, can make any song almost as simple as you like – and you and your audience will still recognize the song. That’s the beauty of learning chord piano. You get results very fast. You can play an actual song almost from day one.

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